June 10th under a hot sun and overlooking a pasture of grazing horses,
forty five members of the Carlisle Conservation Foundation attended
its Annual Meeting at Black Brook Farm. There was much to celebrate.
Hosts Tom and Tamara Erickson had recently agreed to a bargain sale
of 8.5 acres of land to Great Brook Farm State Park. The land is
highly visible from Lowell Street and from the parks southern
cornfield. The Carlisle Conservation Foundation, anonymous
donors, Old North Bridge Hounds, Littleton Horseowners Association,
and the New England Mountain Bikers Association contributed $88,100
to the commonwealths limited open land purchase funds to enable
the state to buy the land for $300,000, less than half its current
market value. Working with state officials to make this purchase
possible, CCF members provided strong leadership and hours
of volunteer time.