photo by Midge Eliassen
Conservation equals survival.
Wallace Stegner
December 8, 2000
Dear Friends,
time I leave town on increasingly clogged roads and fight
my way down Route 2 or 128, I count my blessings that I
live in Carlisle where the most raucous sound may be the
tap, tap, tapping of a Pileated Woodpecker. Yes, conservation
does equal survival, and if we want this oasis of tranquility
to survive, we need to permanently protect more of our remaining
open space.
rural quality of life we all enjoy here owes much to the almost
4,800 acres of undeveloped land in town of which almost 2,800
is permanently protected. However, that leaves 2,000 acres open
to development. In the last five years alone new housing has
gone up on more than 300 acres. To ensure the pastoral vistas and
natural beauty of Carlisle, we must have as a goal the permanent
protection of at least 1,000 additional acres.
present land prices it would be difficult forThe town to accomplish
this goal. Thus it falls to organizations like ours and other like-minded
groups and individuals to encourage landowners to donate land to
conservation or to place conservation restrictions on their property.
Recognizing the competing needs for land, we will continue to promote
creative solutions that include responsible development and the
acquisition of property for municipal purposes along with the protection
of open space. Youll find more about our education and outreach
programs, financial assistance to landowners working on conservation
restrictions, and other CCF highlights of the year in the rest of
this newsletter.
is the one annual appeal we make to our fellow Carlisleans. So far
this year CCF has spent nearly $120,000 to protect the towns
rural character (see the financial report in this newsletter for
more details). To permanently conserve 1,000 additional acres will
take an extraordinary effort from all of us.
are most grateful for your past support. Would you consider doubling
last years tax- deductible donation? Or if you have never
contributed, please join us this year. Its one of the best
investments you can make! If we all work together, we can continue
to enjoy the sounds of woodpeckers and count our blessings that
we live in Carlisle. Thank you.
The CCF Board has generously offered to match all contributions
offirst time donors up to a total of $5,000, so please join us today.
Be assured that, as a private, nonprofit organization run entirely
by volunteers, every penny of your gift of $50, $100, $1,000 or
more goes directly to our work.