committed to the towns long-range land use planning, CCF helped
fund the preparation of Carlisles recent update of its Open
Space and Recreation Plan (OS&R), in conjunction with the towns
Conservation Commission. The OS&R must be updated every five
years in order for the town to remain eligible for state Self-Help
funding of future conservation purchases.

The OS&R
plan is a blueprint for the long-term management of Carlisles
land and natural resources, and makes intriguing reading for any
resident. With numerous maps and listings of important land parcels,
the plan discusses the towns land use goals, and notes key
accomplishments including the protection of much of the Estabrook
Woods, the acquisition of the ORourke Farm by Great Meadows
National Wildlife Refuge, and the towns purchase of the Wang-Coombs
Land. The OS&R plan recommends that Carlisles conservation
activity focus particularly on the western side of town, while continuing
efforts throughout Carlisle. Other goals include the development
of management plans for undeveloped town-owned land, and the establishment
of a system of roadside pedestrian pathways.

The OS&R
may be read at the library or purchased at ConsCom. CCF salutes
editors Susan Emmons and Betsy Fell for a masterful job.