queries or comments please contact
Christine Bopardiker
Wayne Davis
Tim Eliassen
Michael Epstein
Marjie Findlay
Heidi Harring
Steve Hinton
Carolyn Kiely
Jay Luby
Art Milliken
Tim Parson
Alex Parra
Greg Peterson
Fontaine Richardson
Scott Simpson
Larry Sorli
Steve Spang
Sally Swift
P.O. Box 300
Carlisle, MA 01741 |
December 1999
A human community, then, if it is to last long,
must exert a
(unifying) force, holding local soil and local memory in place.
Wendell Berry
Dear Friends,
Carlisle Conservation Foundation (CCF) and its sister organization
the Carlisle Land Trust (CLT) have been a unifying force this year.
With the collaboration, help and support of many individuals, other
organizations, and town officials, we have made some great things
happen in town. The highlights are:
- Wang Coombs Cornfields - an extraordinary coalition permanently
protected most of the 44 acres of farmland on either side of Curve
Street near the Cranberry Bog;
- Poole Swamp Acquisition - the “bargain sale” of Poole Swamp,
thanks to the generosity of its owners, adds 14.5 acres to the
225 acres owned and maintained by CCF and provides an important
link between the town-acquired Rockstrom conservation parcel and
Woodridge Road near Estabrook Woods;
- O’Rourke Farm - we now have a green corridor stretching 2 miles
long and half a mile wide from Billerica to Bedford Road, thanks
to the successful transfer of 129 acres of the O’Rourke Farm on
Maple Street to the Great Meadows Wildlife Refuge;
- Erickson Project - CCF is facilitating the bargain sale of 8.5
acres to Great Brook State Park, linking the park areas on the
north and south side of Lowell Road;
- Amazing Volunteers -- hundreds, if not thousands, of hours of
volunteer time were donated to make these efforts possible.
role has been varied and demanding for all these projects. But in
every case, the key to our success is board members and other dedicated
individuals who donate their significant professional and personal
skills coupled with strategic use of CCF’s financial resources.
As you will see from the enclosed articles, we have used our limited
funds very carefully in order to leverage the biggest return. The
greater our resources, the more we can do to protect the land and
the memories we all cherish in Carlisle.
can help CCF continue to make great things happen in Carlisle by
contributing to our annual appeal for support. Like us, you probably
receive many frndraising appeals every week. This one, however,
is not the usual direct mail piece from some facel ess individual
pitching a distant cause. We are your neighbors working to protect
our hometown - the trails you may walk or ride on, the fields you
drive by every day, the woods your children or grandchildren may
will we, as citizens of the 20th century be judged by those who
follow us? Will they say we have “held local soil and local memory
in place?” Will their children exclaim at the sound of a bluebird’s
song and thrill at the sight of a rabbit in a meadow? Now is the
time to work together to preserve these treasures for future generations.
Review first hand the accomplishments described in last year's newsletter.
Please join with me in this effort and make a generous tax deductible
contribution to CCF. Thank you.
Arthur N Milliken, President
Think of the woodlands and fields, the green spaces and rural vistas
we all enjoy when you make your contribution to CCF. Be assured
that, as a private, nonprofit organization run entirely by volunteers,
every penny of your gift, $30, $100, $1,000 or more goes into our
work. Thank you.