queries or comments please contact

Alan Ankers
Barney Arnold
Liz Carpenter
Wayne Davis
Marjie Findlay
David Freedman
Peg Gladstone
Heidi Harring
Steve Hinton
Lori Jiménez
Jamie Klickstein
Lynn Knight
Jay Luby
Greg Peterson
Scott Simpson
Steve Spang
Sally Swift
Steve Tobin |
P.O. Box 300
Carlisle, MA 01741 |

Geese enjoy the now-preserved Wang Coombs fields.
Photo by Midge Eliassen
A greater Great Brook
discussions with the Carlisle Conservation Foundation and the staff
of the Great Brook Farm State Park, Tom and Tamara Erickson of neighboring
Black Brook Farm have agreed to sell two easily developable house
lots, totaling 8.5 acres, to the State Park for the bargain sale
price of $300,000, which is less than half of the property’s market
two parcels are highly visible from the southern cornfield of the
State Park and development of these lots would seriously harm vistas
from the popular Pine Point Loop Trail. With frontage on Lowell
Street this property will provide an important link across the road
to the sizable area of the State Park located South of Curve Street
and behind the Division Headquarters on Lowell Street.
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Management has pledged
$200,000 to this acquisition, in the expectation that private donors
will fund the balance. The Carlisle Conservation Foundation has
joined with a major donor to provide a grant of $50,000 to be matched
by private contributions. The Old North Bridge Hunt club and the
New England Mountain Bike Association have already pledged their
Carlisle Conservation Foundation is pleased to participate in this
important extension of Great Brook State Park. In effect over $750,000
worth of land will be preserved. We are extraordinarily grateful
to the major donor who made the challenge grant possible and to
each contributor who participates.
Margie Mindlay