Foreign Plants Invade Carlisle
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A Flexible Land Planning Tool
Bartlett Farm Hosts CCF Annual Meeting
CCF's Swanson Lot on Curve Street
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CCF Directors

Alan Ankers
Barney Arnold
Liz Carpenter
Wayne Davis
Marjie Findlay
David Freedman
Peg Gladstone
Heidi Harring
Steve Hinton
Lori Jiménez
Jamie Klickstein
Lynn Knight
Jay Luby
Greg Peterson
Scott Simpson
Steve Spang
Sally Swift
Steve Tobin

P.O. Box 300
Carlisle, MA 01741




December 2002

Foreign Plants Invade Carlisle.

Invasive species from Asia and Europe compete with and conquer our native North American plants and shrubs. Oriental Bittersweet Celastrus orbiculatus, pictured here, an ornament on many a Thanksgiving table, has a deadly choking action on trees and shrubs. Another pretty invader is Burning Bush Euonymus alatus with brilliant fall color, sold be every nursery and planted intensively around homes and along highway corridors. Birds spread its copious seeds. For example, three shrubs planted around a Hopkinton house have parented more than 1000 offspring in the neighborhood.

Buckthorn threatens every open space in Carlisle and is the major target of CCF’s joint control project with our conservation commission. Introduced 200 years ago as hedges, they are still available from nurseries. After 10 years Glossy Buckthorn reaches 10 to 15 feet high as it has on Foss farm. Other invasive species frequently seen in Carlisle are Purple Loosestrife, Japanese Honeysuckle, Autumn Olive, and Multiflora Rose. Native plants like high bush Blueberries and Cattails lose out.

Why Do WE Care

• On a macro scale invasive plants cost the US economy $137 billon each year in environmental damage, crop losses, control efforts and public health problems. One hundred million acres are infected with three million more added each year.
• On a local level we see natural habitats taken over, endangered species further threatened, and migratory birds decline.

What We Can Do

• Don’t buy and plant invasives.
• Control and root them out (as our family did with Autumn Olive).

Art Milliken

For more information on invasives, contact New England Wild Flower Society, 508-877-7630 or WWW.tncweeds.ucdavis.org

For information on alternatives to invasives refer to Cultivation and Propagation of Native Tress, Vines and Shrubs by William Cullina, a copy of which has been donated to the Gleason Library or may be purchased from the New England Wild Flower Society