Dear Friends,
On October 18, townspeople once again expressed their desire to preserve open space in Carlisle. By voting to purchase the outstandingly beautiful Woodward meadow, you all contributed to preserving much of what has been lost in our surrounding towns—open vistas, agricultural land, and scenic walking trails. Each of you is making a difference in ensuring that Carlisle retains much of what makes it the unique and special town that it is.
Left, This inquisitive goat, Monte, was a highlight of CCF’s presentation on the Woodward Land Use plan that was endorsed by the Selectmen and then approved by an overflow crowd at October’s Special Town Meeting.
Monte is in the 2-acre Lot 2 along Maple Street, with the 4-acre Lot 1 in the background, both purchased under the Town’s right of first refusal under Chapter 61A. CCF put together a deal involving the abutting parcel that will permanently protect more than 38 acres of two parcels ranked Priority 1 for protection in the Town’s Open Space & Recreation Plan. Right, sheep grazing in the meadow on a wintry day. |
Thank you to the Woodward family
CCF would like to express its sincere thanks to Bill Woodward and Carol Doutriaux for the environmentally sound approach they have taken to developing their land, forgoing a standard subdivision or a 40B that would have provided a higher financial return. We also thank David Woodward for giving up an access easement to his property so the meadow can be permanently protected.
Kay & Woody Woodward (pictured above in the 1980s in front of their historic Bedford Road home) have a long history of civic engagement: As a library trustee, Kay was responsible for the creation in 1966 of the Friends of Gleason Public Library. The next year, she was involved in bringing back Old Home Day more than 20 years after the event had been held previously; the Woodwards' award-winning floats featuring the family in period costumes were an Old Home Day staple. Woody organized carolling on the Town Green and was a founding member of the Carlisle Cats, a jazz band that for years played at Old Home Day and other Town events. Above right, image courtesy Ellen Huber and the Carlisle Mosquito, Kay recently celebrated her 99th birthday with her children David and Carol and son-in-law Jerome. |
Jack Valentine, CCF founder
It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Jack Valentine, a 62-year resident of Carlisle and one of the founding members of the Carlisle Conservation Foundation. Without the foresight and commitment of CCF’s founders to preserving the rural feel of Carlisle, our town would look and be very different. About a decade ago, Jack and Betty Valentine worked with CCF to preserve the vast majority of their 156 acres, including agricultural fields and beautiful vistas along West and Acton Streets.
Left, a recent photo
of Jack driving a
tractor, which, as the
Mosquito noted,
is when he was
happiest. Right, an Acton Street vista
preserved by Jack
and Betty Valentine. |
Support CCF
For over 55 years, CCF has worked tirelessly to preserve and maintain woodlands, open vistas, and farmland in Carlisle. The Board’s unanimous decision to contribute $250,000 towards the purchase of the Woodward property has substantially depleted our funds. Absent replenishment of these funds, we will not be able to make a gift of this kind again for many, many years. We are turning to you now in our annual appeal, our only source of funding for the year, to ask that you please make a generous donation to CCF so that we may continue to be effective stewards of Carlisle’s precious lands. We thank you for your continued support and trust in the work that we do.
Warmest regards,

Dale Ryder, President
We appreciate your support.
Carlisle Conservation Foundation and Land Trust
P.O. Box 300, Carlisle, MA 01741
Board members: Alan Ankers, Manuel Crespo, Wayne Davis, Lauree Eckler, Marjie Findlay, David Freedman, Peg Gladstone, Kelly Guarino, Heidi Harring, Steve Hinton, Chip Kakas, John Keating, John Lee, Victoria Rizzi, Dale Ryder, Steve Spang, Steve Tobin, Drew Williams
We invite you to join CCF with your tax-deductible donation. You may now make your donation to CCF on the HOME page