Dear Friends,
As we move into a new season of the year, we look back on our accomplishments with joy and thankfulness and forward into the future with anticipation and a renewed sense of our mission. The Elliott River Preserve was successfully established after two years of hard work and fundraising by CCF, Sudbury Valley Trustees, the Town, and private individuals. This beautiful 9-acre property is now permanently protected. CCF continues to work with SVT, the Trails Committee, and other volunteers to develop public access and amenities, including a parking area, trails and trail signs, a canoe landing on the Concord River, and an information kiosk. Thanks to the Elliott family and to all who helped make the Elliott River Preserve a reality!
Above left, arborist and
former Carlisle Trails Committee member Bob Eaton climbs to clear a deadfall over the new trail.
Right, Beth Gula
of SVT leads a crew cutting a trail up
a steep slope. |
Community Outreach
Our community outreach programs are an important part of our agenda as we expand our education mission. Nature walks on the town's conservation lands and talks at Gleason Library have focused on birds, dragonflies and damselflies, vernal pools, mushrooms and lichens, and wildflowers of the Cranberry Bog. These programs for all ages have been an astounding success and we will continue to develop new programs and offer proven favorites. We continue to encourage school-age children and their parents to join in
conservation-related activities and get outdoors by sponsoring school programs for the endangered Blanding's turtle and Conant Land nature walks with Mass Audubon.
Above left, a Green-striped Darner captured briefly during a dragonfly walk at the Bog. Center, Kay Fairweather makes a point about a Lactarius mushroom found on the Towle Land on a Sunday nature walk. Bottom right, Bryan Windmiller has a firm grip on a green frog captured in a vernal pool in April. |
Annual Meeting
In June, CCF invited the whole town, SVT members, and other special guests to a celebration of the successful creation of the Elliott River Preserve. The event was held at the beautiful River Road Farm, home of Liz and Maris Platais, and adjacent to the Preserve. The event included a guided trail walk of the Preserve, scavenger hunts for all ages, dog agility demonstrations by the ARFF Agility Club, and face painting and crafts for kids. At the CCF/Carlisle Land Trust Annual Meeting, the foundation thanked outgoing President Steve Tobin for his tireless work in helping to create the Preserve and other service to CCF. Retiring board members Scott Simpson and Barney Arnold were thanked for their long years of service. The group welcomed new member Chip Kakas and the new slate of officers, including president Liz Carpenter, vice president Wayne Davis, secretary Sally Swift, and treasurer Jamie Klickstein.
The celebration concluded with toasts to the Elliott family and the Preserve, including champagne, sparkling cider, and jars of strawberry "Pagey's Preserves" provided by CCF members.
Above left, ARFF Agility Club demonstration at the Annual Meeting on the new Elliott River Preserve. Right, CCF Board members : l to r, new Board president Liz Carpenter, outgoing members Barney Arnold and Scott Simpson, outgoing Board president Steve Tobin, and new Board member Chip Kakas
Support CCF
This annual appeal is our only source of funding for the year; please give as generously as you can. CCF is an all-volunteer organization. All of your contributions are tax-deductible and go to supporting our land protection, community outreach, and educational efforts. The natural world is fast disappearing, and we hope you can help us preserve our wild lands, vistas, and historical landscapes for generations to come.
Very truly yours,

Liz Carpenter, President
We appreciate your support.
Carlisle Conservation Foundation and Land Trust
P.O. Box 300, Carlisle, MA 01741
Board members: Alan Ankers, Liz Carpenter, Wayne Davis, Marjie Findlay, David Freedman, Peg Gladstone, Heidi Harring, Steve Hinton, Chip Kakas, Jamie Klickstein, Lynn Knight, Jay Luby, Greg Peterson, Steve Spang, Sally Swift, Steve Tobin
We invite you to join CCF with your tax-deductible donation. You may now make your donation to CCF on the HOME page